

A rallye is a sporting event in which the contestants compete to match a previously calculated time. IT IS NOT A RACE! The object is to follow Route Directions and maintain the average speeds indicated, trying to arrive at unknown checkpoints as close to the average time required to drive the route.

The Route Directions are easy to follow, using Numbered Route Instructions (NRIs) but must be executed accurately in order to stay close to schedule. Each instruction is numbered on the left side of the page. NRIs occur when the route changes in some manner, such as a turn or a change in speed.

It is very important to remember that speeds shown are average speeds, that is, they do not allow for stopping and starting. As you drive, you must go a bit faster than the indicated speed until you have made up any time lost. This of course holds true for unscheduled traffic lights and pit stops.

Speeds are generally indicative of the road surface, so you should not need to speed over dangerous conditions.

Below some directions are found clues to help reassure you that you have made the correct decision. There, no doubt, will be times that you will feel lost - don't despair, you probably are! You will definitely be lost if you have been driving for more than 4 hours and have not reached the first checkpoint. Only in this case should you open your "Lost Map".


There are typically three legs to the Rallye. At each checkpoint your arrival time will be recorded on your scoring sheets. You will be given one point for each second you are late and two points for each second you are early. However, there is a 15 minute limit for being late and only a 5 minute limit for being early. Times beyond these limits will be scored the maximum penalty of 1500 points. This means that it is better to be a little slow than a little fast with your speed. Each leg is separately timed, so that one bad leg will not eliminate your chances for one of the prizes. Teams will only be eligible for prizes if they turn in unopened Lost Maps*.

*As of TALCAR 44, teams who open a Lost Map will be entered into the drawing for the hat prize.

Relax and enjoy yourselves. You are about to enter into a "Lost Cause".