A turn of substantially more than 90 degrees at an intersection where there exists more than one opportunity to turn in the direction indicated.


A route instruction may be separated into two parts by the term AND/OR. If the second part can be begun first, execute it only, and the instruction is complete; if not, execute both parts, in order.


Even with for speed changes, mileage markers, etc.; in the vicinity of for turn instructions, etc.


A turn of substantially less than 90 degrees at an intersection where there exists more than one opportunity to turn in the direction indicated.


Commence or Continue Average Speed, as directed.


Navigational aids: Identification points between NRIs that inform the Rallyeist that they are on the correct route.


 To go completely across.


An intersection at which two roads cross each other at approximately 90 degrees.


Change To Posted Speed. An NRI, look for a speed limit sign.


A part of the timed Rallye route specified as a free zone is an area in which there are no timing controls.


An instruction proceeded by an IF. If the condition exists, execute the instruction. If the condition does not exist before the next Navigational Aid or NRI occurs, ignore the instruction.


An instruction (or portion of an instruction) specifying explicitly the direction in which the Rallyeist is to proceed.


Any meeting of two or more roads


An untraveled area visibly surrounded by roads. Note: Only one route instruction may be executed at an island. The definition applies whether or not the term "island" appears in the route instruction.


Left at T/Left at Y/Left at fork
Wikipedia: Intersections



A turn to the left from 10 to 170 degrees.


A part of the Rallye extending from an assigned starting time to the next timing control, or from one timing control to the next.


LETTERED ROUTE INSTRUCTION: An instruction to be executed at every opportunity from their appearance or other activation until deactivated. The execution of an LRI may overlap NRIs, other LRIs, and subsequent execution of the same LRI. LRIs take precedence over NRIs. If an LRI is accompanied by a mileage, it must be executed at that mileage.


The distance from the start of a section to a point along the Rallye route, given to within 0.01 miles, more or less...


NUMBERED ROUTE INSTRUCTION: Course instructions to be executed in numerical order at the first opportunity, and fully, before going on to the next NRI (unless overlap is specifically permitted within the instruction). If an NRI is accompanied by a mileage, it must be executed at that mileage. Separate parts of the same NRI are to be executed in the same order in which they are given.


A route instruction may be separated into two parts by the term OR. Execute only that part which can be begun first, and consider the entire instruction completed.


To delay a specified time at a named point or during passage of a specified interval. The Pause time is added to the time required at the given average speed(s) to traverse the specified interval. The specified interval in which a pause is operative will contain no timing controls.


A road having a surface such as concrete, brick, macadam, etc.

pick up

SAP onto a new road, route or surface.

rallye road

A paved, public, through road. No other roads are considered to exist.


Right at T/Right at Y/Right at fork


A right turn from 10 to 170 degrees.


A traffic circle where all traffic is required to move in a counterclockwise direction.


To go Straight As Possible through an intersection.


SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION: An intersection controlled by one or more traffic regulating lights, which need not be operating.